Discover the vitality that awaits on the other side of a personalized, guided breathwork session! Intentional breathing techniques can offer a transformative experience and can help with many health issues. Maybe you've practiced breathwork (pranayama) before in a yoga class. Prana in Sanskrit refers to the "vital life force". When we practice moving this energy, we are expanding this vital life force within. Some different types of breathwork styles that may be incorporate into a session are:
Bee breathing (Bhramari Pranayama)
Breath of Fire (Kapalbhati Pranayama)
Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhan Pranayama)
Victorious Breath (Ujjayi Pranayama)
Breathwork may take place lying on mats and blankets, it may be done in a sitting position, and at times, it is appropriate to stand. The type of breathwork taught will depend on the intentions set during the consultation call. It may include some movement, and body tapping as well. When you tap different areas of the body, it can help excel the clearing of stagnant energy and helps it to move freely.

Here are some examples of what breathwork can help with:
Digestive problems
Chronic stress
Muscle tension
Aches and pains
High blood pressure
Negative thinking
Sexual dysfunction
Substance use disorder
and more...

Bronwyn von Niessen, RCC